HFPJC Introduces Interesting Learning Courses and Creative Workshops in Rongshui of Guangxi

苗鄉小朋友變身小小程序員 澳門大學霍英東珍禧書院師生赴廣西融水開展服務學習項目 激發學童想像力

“One, two, three, hands!” One of HFPJC members was teaching English for Fun course at the seven grade in Guangxi Rongshui Si Yuan Experiential School. From 21 May to 28 May, nineteen HFPJC members from various academic backgrounds have taught over 2000 local primary and secondary students with courses related to the culture of Macao, English learning skills, Little Inventors, and Little Programmers.

The newly introduced Little Programmer Workshop was a challenge, as it required college members to master the usage of Scratch, and prepare basic materials on Scratch teaching. For the Little Inventor Workshops, unlike the open topic used in the last service learning trip, this trip introduced the Food Waste topic, which was suggested by Yuting Huang @ Little Inventors. At the preparation stage, HFPJC members worried about both the Little Inventor and Little Programmer Workshop as both topics may be difficult for local students. However, the outcome of local students’ work was out of HFPJC member’s expectation. Those outcomes were surprisingly good. “Some programs developed by the local students have been better than those taught by us”, one of HFPJC members said.

For the newly joined HFPJC member, the service trip is a challenge, because they need to understand the local student’s needs, prepare for teaching, and tune their materials for better teaching. For those who joined the previous service learning trip, they also need to find a way of guiding newly joined college members especially on problem-solving and conflict-handling collaboratively. In summary, the trip to Rongshui was a success. It brings HFPJC members a valuable experience in learning and living, and builds up initiatives for local students to learn in an interesting way. The on-going service learning trip could also build up HFPJC students’ sense of ownership, civic responsibility, and global citizenship; in turns, it helps to sustain the HFPJC community service in the future.

“老師,怎麼才能讓他一邊走一邊發出‘喵喵’聲”、“我要讓這個字母繞著這個地球周轉”、“我想讓這只小貓飛上天!” 在澳門大學師生創意工作坊“小小程序員”上,孩子們的眼神充滿驚喜與期待,用滑鼠在Scrach程式上大膽創造他們的故事。


