The College House Association (HA) has three major functions: 

1. It provides activities for College members

2. It gives students a major voice in the College

3. It provides leadership development for those involved in the Executive and the Working Groups

It is easy to see, therefore, that the HA plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of our lively, varied and happy community.

The HA has an elected President, Vice-President and Secretary. Three HA Officers are appointed to support the HA Executive and make sure decisions made by them are observed and executed properly. 


Within the House Association there are five working groups:

  • Social Activity,
  • Sport & Health,
  • Art & Culture,
  • Communication,
  • Community Service.


The Chairs of the Working Groups are also key student leaders in the College. They answer directly to the HA Executive and form the central organizational HA Committee under their leadership.  The Working Groups are responsible for organizing activities in their assigned areas.  Individual members of the College are encouraged to join one of the Working Groups as a participating member or they can assist in the organization of a specific activity or event.


The HA has a number of important responsibilities in the College which can be summarized as follows:

HFPJC House Association 2023-24

HA Executives

DING Yao Zheng Zheng (Hayden)
Vice President
GAO Naijie (Dora)
LI Dongni (Nikki)

HA Officers

LU Jiaying (Jenny) CHU Ka Cheng (Hailey)

Working Group Chairs

Art and Culture
KU Iat Long (Sunny)
YEUNG Weng Nga (Fiona)
Community Service
DENG I Teng (Diana)
Social Activity
XU Zhiping (Ping)
Sport and Health
WAN Chi Hin (Vincent)

Previous HFPJC House Association 2022-23

HA Executives

TANG Chi Kin (Brandy)
Vice President
JI Yingtong (Suri)
LAM Wai Cheng (Vivian)

HA Officers

LEI I Wai (Arlene) LEE Hiu Ching (Barbie)

Working Group Chairs

Art and Culture
U Weng Tong (Athena)
WONG Keng Ieong (Ricky)
Community Service
TANG Lok Tong (Teresa)
Social Activity
LAM Chi Weng (Samuel)
Sport and Health
XU Zhiping (Ping)