Academic Resilience Project

HFPJC Academic Resilience Project aims to motivate and support students who experience academic difficulties or setbacks with the help of fellows, affiliates and peer students. After meeting with the student and identifying his/her problem(s) in studying, we will tailor-make a remedial approach to help him/her to get through the difficulties. Proactive approaches in residential education are also applied together with remedial approaches to facilitate effective learning. The Academic Resilience Project has achieved some results in helping low academic performance students. The percentage of students with GPA below 2.0 in academic year 2015-16 is 8.5%, which is lower than the number (10.6%) in the year before.

If you are facing academic problem(s) and need help, please contact any member of the Academic Staff.


Mentoring Programme & Study Groups

The Mentoring Programme aims to encourage the growth of all students through the efforts of upperclassmen or college fellows/affiliates as role models and advisors. Mentors may provide academic advice and information, and encourage mentees to get involved in academic related activities by attending study groups, seminars, or workshops. All students are welcomed to talk with, or ask for advice from their mentors. If you cannot find a mentor and you need one please contact any member of the Academic Staff.

All academic research shows that students who study together in groups achieve better than average academic results. We encourage all College members to take advantage of the close proximity of other students in your subjects and disciplines and form study groups which will enable you to better learn. If you need assistance in forming a regular study group talks to an RT or any member of the College Academic Staff