The opening of photo exhibition of the 10th anniversary of University of Macau Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College (HFPJC) was held at the Exhibition Hall of University Library recently. More than 120 photos, many trophies and College souvenirs are on display at the exhibition, which showcases the practice and achievement of the whole-person education in HFPJC in the past 10 years.
近日,澳門大學霍英東珍禧書院(簡稱珍禧書院)“珍禧十年 砥礪前行” 十週年圖片展於大學 圖書館展覽廳揭幕,展出了120多幅照片、多個獎杯證書和書院紀念品,展示了書院過去十年在全人教育領域的實踐和階段性成果。
At the opening ceremony, Rector of University of Macau, Prof. Yonghua Song gave an opening remark in recognition of the significance of Residential College (RC) System in UM 4-in-1 Education Model and the achievements made by HFPJC as a pilot college. He encouraged RC colleagues to make persistent efforts and achieve greater success in the future. Prof. Kai Meng Mok, Master of HFPJC gave a speech later introducing the photo exhibition, reviewing the history of the College and making a staged summary of the 10-year development. Guests attending the ceremony include Prof. Gang Peng, the Vice Rector of Tsinghua University, Mr. Bo Hong, Deputy Minister of Department of Education and Youth Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Macao, Mr. Lok Po, Director of Macao Daily News, Ms. Agnes Lai Si Fok, representative from Executive Committee of Henry Fok Foundation (Macau), Mr. Hou Si, Director-General of Henry Fok Foundation (Macau) , Dr Chau Ping Lee, the President of Macau Chinese calligraphy and painting art association, Vice Rectors of University of Macau, delegation from Tsinghua University, UM Faculty Deans, College Masters, and Directors. High Table Dinner was held after the opening ceremony, where guests, alumni and current students celebrate the 10th birthday of HFPJC together.
開幕式上, 澳門大學校長宋永華教授致開幕詞,肯定了澳大書院體系在大學四位一體教育模式中的作用,高度評價了珍禧書院作為澳大書院先行者所取得的成就,並對書院的未來發展給予鼓勵與展望。珍禧書院院長莫啓明教授隨後致辭歡迎各位嘉賓的到來,介紹展覽內容及回顧書院發展歷程,並對書院十年發展做了階段性的總結。出席主禮的還有清華大學副校長彭剛教授、中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育與青年工作部副部長洪波先生、澳門日報社社長陸波先生、澳門霍英東基金會行政委員會代表霍麗斯女士、澳門霍英東基金會總幹事史濠先生、澳門書畫藝術聯誼會會長李秋平博士、澳門大學副校長許敬文教授、馬許願教授、葛偉教授、蘇基朗教授,以及清華大學訪問團嘉賓、澳門大學各學院、各書院院長、各部門負責人。開幕式結束後,珍禧書院舉辦高桌晚宴,眾多師生、畢業校友和嘉賓濟濟一堂,共賀書院十週年慶典。
Emphasizing the importance of whole-person development, the Residential College System of the UM provides opportunities for students to develop their soft skills through community and peer education since 2010. Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College was founded in 2010 as one of the pilot colleges. There are 464 resident members, 263 non-resident members and 854 graduates in the academic year 2020-2021. HFPJC is a living-learning community with its own dining hall, library, gym room, music room, art room, study rooms and other multifunctional rooms. A team of academic staffs live in the college. They maintain good communication with the students and have positive interactions with them. To nurture the skills of creative thinking and leadership of the students, as well as to enhance their citizenship learning with global perspective, diversified extracurricular activities are organized regularly.
Mr. Peter Chan, the former president of College House Association, and his wife Ms. Annie Leung joined the 10th anniversary celebration. Both of them graduated from HFPJC in 2015. He said that the college life in HFPJC is unforgettable for them. As a student leader, he had ample opportunities to develop his leadership and communication skills, which provided a valuable foundation for his career development. Peter and Annie have a strong bonding with HFPJC because they gained precious friendship and love there. No matter how busy they are, they enjoy returning to college for some events occasionally.
Ms. Sheeta So, HFPJC 2017 graduate, said she was very happy to return “home” with so many good friends because HFPJC is her second family. She had took different student leader positions in College and went on to be a Resident Tutor as a graduate student. When refreshing her memories in HFPJC, she was grateful for the opportunities to attend Service Learning Programme and exchange trips to Mainland China, which helped her to learn more about the development of our Motherland and established her ideal to serve the society in the future. And she does work hard to achieve her goal by taking an active part in public welfare affairs after graduation.