Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College
Faculty of Education


+853 8822 9055

Room G005, Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College, W14
University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade
Taipa, Macau, China

Professor HUI, Sai Chuen Stanley

Master, Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College
Professor, Faculty of Education

Academic Qualifications
EdD, University of Houston, Texas, USA
MSc, Springfield College, MA, USA
B.P.E., Springfield College, MA, USA

Professional Recognitions
Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine
Fellow, American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance
President, Asian Council for Health and Physical Activity and Fitness (ACHPAF)
Director, Exercise -is-Medicine Hong Kong
Governance Board, Exercise-is-Medicine Global

Research Interests
Physical Fitness, Exercise Prescription, Physical Activity and Health Promotion, Measurement and Statistics in P.E. and Sports

Working Experiences
2023 – present: Emeritus Professor, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK
2007 – 2023
: Professor, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK
2012 – 2018: Dean of Student, Lee Woo Sing College, CUHK
2002 – 2007: Associate Professor: Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK
1997 – 2002: Assistant Professor: Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK
1995 – 1997: Assistant P.E. Officer (I): Student Affairs Office, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
1992 – 1995: Teaching Fellow: Department of Health & Human Performance, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA.
1994 – 1995: Research Specialist: MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA.
1992 : Exercise Specialist: Healthy NET Work Wellness Center, Springfield, MA, USA.
1991 – 1992: Teaching Fellow: Department of Biology, Springfield College, MA, USA.
1985 – 1990: Secondary School Teacher: Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong Secondary School, Shatin, HK.

More About Prof. Hui

許世全教授 (Prof. Stanley Sai-chuen HUI),現任澳門大學霍英東珍禧書院院長。2023年被香港中文大學委予榮休教授,為中大體育運動科學系教授多年。許教授1985年畢業於香港葛量洪教育學院(體育和數學),並於美國春田大學以最高榮譽(Suma Cum Laude Honor)獲得體育學士及健康體適能碩士學位,及後於美國候斯頓大學取得運動科學博士學位。曾任侯斯頓安德遜癌病研究中心研究員,及Kelsey Seybold Clinic (Houston) 心臟科運動測試員。1997年加入香港中文大學體育運動科學系為助理教授,2002年擢升為副教授,2007年為全教授,到2023年榮休,現受聘於澳門大學。

許世全教授曾為香港技巧體操代表隊員及教練,退役後專注健康體適能事業,於1998 年被『美國運動醫學學院』 [American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)] 評審為合格健康體適能專家(Health Fitness Specialist),更於2000年被『美國運動醫學學院』評審為健康體適能總監(Health Fitness Director),是現時香港唯一合資格人士,負責評審ACSM國際健體教練証書。許世全教授專注於健康體適能研究,對運動處方,體重管理,體質及肥胖測量等相關研究,健康促進,體能訓練及測量等均甚有心得。於2001年獲『美國運動醫學學院』頒授院士銜(Fellow) ,是香港首位學者獲得此殊榮(FACSM),並於同年獲美國體育健康文娛康樂聯盟(AAHPERD) 頒授院士。於2007年,獲中文大學頒發優秀年青研究員獎。自2001年開始許教授先後獲香港政府各大紀律部隊獲聘為研究顧問,包括香港海關,懲教署,入境署,及警務署,負責評估各紀律部隊工作上體能要求,並制訂入職體能測試項目及評審要求。過去20年,多次為各紀律部隊及政府部門主持體能訓練與健康講座及工作坊。近年更被香港教育局委任為行政長官卓越教師選舉督導及評審委員。

許教授在國際,亞洲,以致本地,積極從事健康體適能與運動處方推廣近40年,相關研究著作及社區推廣項目甚豐,曾培訓及評審數以千計健體教練及專家,與及體適能測試員與運動處方顧問,曾替各政府部門,工商機構,教育機構及各類社會團體提供顧問服務。許教授現為亞洲健康體能活動與體適能協會會長,並在運動是良藥(全球) 的國際組織擔任管治委員會國際代表,亦是運動是良藥香港區總監。許教授是中國香港體適能總會(一般香港人稱Keep Fit 總會)的前主席及現任董事局董事,及香港肥胖醫學會現任董事。

Prof. Stanley HUI is currently the Master of Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College of the University of Macau. Prof. Hui was award the status of Emeritus Professor by the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 2023, after serving as the Professor at the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education for many years. In 1985 Prof. Hui graduated from the Grantham College of Education with first prize, majoring in P.E., and Maths. Then he became a secondary school teacher from 1985-1990, after that he went to USA for further study. In 1991 and 1992 he graduated from the Springfield College (Massachusetts) with the highest academic honour (Summa Cum Laude) in both Bachelor of P.E. degree and Master of Science in Health Fitness degree, respectively. In 1995, he graduated from the University of Houston with a Doctoral degree in Exercise Science. During graduate study, Prof. Hui worked as an Exercise Test Specialist at the Cardiology Department of the Kelsey Seybol Clinic in Houston (1994-95), and a Research Assistant at the MD Anderson Cancer Research Center (Texas, 1993-95). Prof. Hui joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong as an Assistant Professor in 1997, then promoted as Associate Professor in 2002, and Full Professor since 2007. In 2024 May Prof. Hui begins a new chapter in life as the College Mater of the University of Macau.

Prof. Hui was an elite gymnast and coach during high school and college years, but then focus on health-related physical fitness industry after graduation from college.
In 1998 and 2000, Prof. Hui has been certified as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Health Fitness Specialist and Director, respectively, and became the person-in-charge of the ACSM Health Fitness Instructor Certification & Workshop in Hong Kong. Due to his research contribution, he was award Fellow status by both the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) in year 2001. In 2007 Prof. Hui was awarded the “Young Researcher Award” from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Other than focusing on research and teaching in health fitness in the university, Prof. Hui is also actively participating in a number of exercise and health promotion projects as volunteer services. Prof. Hui is the immediate-past Chairman of the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, the Founding Council member of the Hong Kong Association for the Study of Obesity, the founding President of the Asian Council for Health Physical Activity and Fitness.

Since 2001, Prof. Hui has been appointed as a research consultant by several major disciplinary forces of the Hong Kong government, including the Hong Kong Customs & Excise, Correctional Services Department, Immigration Department, and Police Force. He was responsible for assessing the physical fitness requirements of each disciplined force and formulating entry-level physical fitness requirements. In the past 20 years, he has conducted many lectures and workshops on physical training and health for various disciplined forces and government departments. In recent years, he has been appointed by the Hong Kong Education Bureau as a member of the Steering Committee and Selection Committee of the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence.

Prof. Hui has been actively engaged in promoting health-related fitness and exercise prescriptions internationally, in Asia, and locally for nearly 40 years. He has extensive relevant research publications and community promotion projects. He has trained and reviewed thousands of fitness instructors and experts, and Physical fitness tester and exercise prescription consultant. He has provided consulting services to various government departments, industrial and commercial institutions, educational institutions and various social groups. Prof. Hui is currently the President of the Asian Council for Health Physical Activity and Fitness, and serves as the international representative at-large on the Governance Board of the Exercise-is-Medicine (Global), and is the Director of Exercise-is-Medicine Hong Kong. Prof. Hui is the former chairman and current Board member of the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China, and the current Board member of the Hong Kong Association for the Study of Obesity.